Mark Foden 19 May 2016 Change strategy Going with the local grain Mark Foden 19 May 2016 Change strategy The NHS is embarking on efficiency reforms recommended in Lord Carter's recent report. It should be careful what it asks for.
Mark Foden 3 May 2016 Change strategy The certainty of mowers, life and the EU Mark Foden 3 May 2016 Change strategy About how certainty can get in the way
Mark Foden 8 January 2016 Communication What is Transformational Change? Mark Foden 8 January 2016 Communication On terminology and the need for it to be simpler.
Mark Foden 31 October 2015 Change strategy "What does 'good' look like?" Mark Foden 31 October 2015 Change strategy On what managers should (not) do to prmote change in uncertain circumstances.
Mark Foden 12 July 2015 Change strategy Why I go to Glastonbury Mark Foden 12 July 2015 Change strategy About Glastonbury and why the problems of mud, camping, drugs, toilets, noise and crowds are irrelevant.
Mark Foden 31 May 2015 Watching the clouds Mark Foden 31 May 2015 On choosing what to pay attention to.
Mark Foden 23 May 2015 Change strategy Drop the pilot Mark Foden 23 May 2015 Change strategy On the critical difference between pilots and experiments.
Mark Foden 7 April 2015 Change strategy The unquestioned folder assumption Mark Foden 7 April 2015 Change strategy On organising knowledge and the need to change mindset as well as tools.
Mark Foden 6 April 2015 "I'll talk to our developers about it" Mark Foden 6 April 2015 On encouraging changes in the way government is running it’s IT.
Mark Foden 22 January 2015 Announcements Changes in Foden Grealy Mark Foden 22 January 2015 Announcements On Foden Grealy becoming just Foden.